Ken McDonald

Ken McDonald
AB Bernstein
I’m What Happens Next...After You Achieve Wealth.
My clients are experts in how they’ve achieved their wealth; I am an expert in helping them find meaning, opportunity and security with what they’ve earned. I help them navigate life’s transitions and connecting them to resources and solutions.
Tell me about an example of how you helped someone find purpose in their wealth.
When working with any client, I recognize that priorities, family dynamics and even the identity of the long-term wealth stewards will change over time. All of these variables are top of mind as I prioritize how to most effectively meet my clients’ trust above all else. By integrating myself into the fabric of these families, I am able to connect with them on a personal and meaningful level. These trusting relationships are the foundation, and most fulfilling part, of my work. It is a significant responsibility, and professional honor, to be invited by my clients to shape decisions that will affect my their lives and those of future generations.
Tell me about the types of clients you work with.
My focus is on the families of self-made business owners and senior business executives. I particularly enjoy working on the “squishy stuff,” such as familial and philosophical complexities, that cannot be solved through portfolio analytics/allocation advice. These families count on my unvarnished advice to help them make the best financial decisions and to create a reasonable and completely customized plan. My goal is to help them feel as good as possible about what they have, as we work to navigate all of their options.