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Christin Cardone McClave

Christin Cardone McClave

Christin Cardone McClave

Partner, OrangeStar Ventures

Board Member / Consultant

Christin Cardone McClave is a distinguished family business strategist, public speaker, and seasoned board member, offering coaching & consultancy services to a diverse range of private and public sector enterprises. Initiating her career in leadership capacities at Johnson & Johnson, she excelled within the pharmaceutical and CPG sectors, with key leadership roles in IT and Marketing. This comprehensive experience facilitated her transition to CARDONE Industries, her family's third-generation business, where she assumed pivotal roles on the board and executive team. During her tenure as COO and Chief People Officer, the company achieved an impressive revenue milestone of $1B. In May 2019, under her strategic guidance and partnership with their non-family executive team & independent board of directors, the firm was successfully sold to one of the largest prominent global private equity firms.

Currently, Mrs. McClave holds a board position at ParagonX Holdings (CAVR) and provides advisory expertise to SOAAK Technologies. Additionally, she lends her professional insights to non-profit boards, notably Global Impact and Capital for Good, and presides as the chairperson for She and her husband are spouse- preneurs, with various businesses and investments under the umbrella of OrangeStar Ventures.

Conference Location

1201 Market Street, (guest entrance at 1200 Filbert Street)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Tel: (215) 625-2900