Evergreen Podcasts has agreed to assume an ownership position in Ars Longa Media, a fast-growing podcast network focused on creative productions in medical education, psychology, mental health and health care. Ars Longa's podcasts will be the core content on Evergreen's new medical and wellness podcast channel. Evergreen will also host, distribute the Ars Longa podcasts, support operational functions and craft marketing and audience-building programs.

Ars Longa Media, and its sister company InsideTheBoards lead the world in audio and podcast content serving medical students. Ars Longa's media garnered over 1,000,000 podcast downloads in 2020. The team at Ars Longa expect exponential growth in the downloads of its podcasts.

"The Ars Longa partnership has been one of the great experiences for Evergreen," noted Michael DeAloia - Chief Executive Officer of Evergreen Podcasts. "We cannot wait to work with Ars Longa to build one of the most provocative and profitable medical podcast networks globally."